Five-Star Program for Pre-Kindergarten, Preschool, Toddler and Infant Education located in Greenville, NC.

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Pre-K Classes at Our Greenville, NC Child Care Center

Pre-K Program at Greenville, NC daycare

Our 5-star preschool program includes a fun, educational Pre-K class that is designed to help prepare children to start school while still fostering their growth and development through play, discovery, and fun!

Pre-K Curriculum at Our 5-Star Preschool

We use The Creative Curriculum in our Pre-K classrooms, a research-based early child care and education curriculum designed to help kids learn and grow emotionally and socially, as well as includes child-directed activities that address language, literacy, math, and science. Our Pre-K teachers also use the SRA/McGraw-Hill’s World of Wonders Reading Curriculum to teach phonics.

Each classroom has lesson plans posted each week with individualized lesson plans. Every activity and lesson is specifically tailored to the needs of each child in the classroom.

Literacy and Language in Pre-K

Children in Pre-K are growing rapidly in language and emerging literacy skills.

To support their language development and promote reading and writing skills, our teachers:

  • Promote the use of more complex sentences.
  • Encourage children to join in group conversations.
  • Help children use props and picture prompts to tell familiar and favorite stories.
  • Teach children how to recognize their names and other familiar names in print.
  • Help children learn to write their names.
  • Begin teaching sight words to support early reading comprehension.
  • Encourage children to create stories on their own through drawing, dictating them to the teachers, and using writing prompts that are based on weekly interest areas.

Our Pre-K class also takes part in the “Raise a Reader” program, a state-sponsored program in which the teachers work closely with students to embrace reading new books shared between home and school throughout the year.

Integrating Math into Our Pre-K Curriculum

Our teachers encourage children to use math in practical ways throughout their everyday life.

To encourage exploration and comprehension of math concepts, our teachers provide the children with opportunities to learn how to:

  • Count and compare quantities.
  • Match patterns and create their own unique patterns.
  • Set the classroom table, counting items to make sure there’s plenty of tableware to go around.
  • Talk about the sequence of events, from beginning to end.
  • Name and write numbers 0-30.
  • Use location and position words, including above, below, beside, and between.
  • Measure using scales and rulers.
  • Cook simple recipes to promote hands-on math and science.

Fostering Scientific Curiosity in Our 5-Star Preschool Program

Pre-K program at 5-star preschool in Greenville nc

By providing the children with hands-on opportunities to learn and understand scientific concepts, they get excited and engaged. Our teachers promote and encourage this continued desire to understand the world around them by:

  • Encouraging and teaching how to sort objects based on different qualities.
  • Plan age-appropriate scientific experiments, including mixing baking soda and vinegar to observe the reaction, planting seeds and predicting and documenting growth, and using colored water to understand primary colors and create secondary colors.
  • Turning classroom objects into simple machines to enhance play activities.
  • Welcoming guests from local museums and nature parks to the classroom to bring in new items, animals, and objects to explore and learn about.

Social and Emotional Growth at Our 5-Star Child Care Center

To help ensure children are socially and emotionally prepared for kindergarten, our Pre-K curriculum fosters and promotes:

  • Identifying their emotions and the emotions of others.
  • Using words and actions to effectively express feelings.
  • Practicing self-regulation of emotions, and also receiving adult support when needed.
  • Maintaining friendships.
  • Playing with peers for an extended period of time.

Expanding Motor Skills and Self-Care Skills for Pre-K Students

Our curriculum also reinforces the importance of gross motor skills, the need for physical activity, and learning personal care routines.

Our pre-k teachers support children learning to:

  • Improve coordination and balance across a spectrum of activities.
  • Understand nutrition and foods that nourish their bodies.
  • Demonstrate basic safety skills.
  • Attend to personal care practices mostly independently or with minimal help from adults.

Contact Children’s Campus of Greenville to Schedule a Tour of our Pre-K Classroom

To learn more about the Pre-K classes and curriculum at our 5-star preschool in Greenville, NC, give us a call at 252-756-8200 or fill out the form below to contact us today! We are happy to answer questions about enrollment, provide additional information, and schedule a tour of our school.

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