Five-Star Program for Pre-Kindergarten, Preschool, Toddler and Infant Education located in Greenville, NC.

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Classes for 2-Year Olds at Our 5-Star Greenville Preschool

The development of a two-year-old can be defined as a time of training and transition before they move into the 3 year old class. During this period, these young children are working hard to establish their independence and express their individuality.  At our 5-star child care center in Greenville, NC, we do everything we can to support this development in an environment that’s optimized for learning while also providing the care and support young children need to grow and thrive!

Our 5-Star Preschool Curriculum 

In the two-year-old classroom of our 5-star preschool in Greenville, we utilize The Creative Curriculum, a research-based early child care and education curriculum. At this age, your child is learning at a rapid rate, and as they grow and develop, our experienced teachers adapt the curriculum, as well as the environment, to meet both your child’s needs as well as their interests.

Each classroom has a lesson plan created weekly and includes activities geared toward the unique needs of every child in the class. Each activity on the lesson plan is purposeful and intentionally planned based on the teachers’ observations of each child in the classroom.

Our 2-Year Old Classes Improve Literacy and Language

When a child turns two, that’s usually when language skills explode! We make almost every occasion an opportunity to foster these developing skills and help children build on them. These actions include: 

  • Greenville NC 5 star Preschool
    Describe what they are doing as well as what the child is doing, so that children will hear more language and connect words to actions.
  • Create a print-rich classroom environment with labeled materials to allow children to begin to understand that print conveys meaning.
  • Read aloud multiple times a day, as well as allow independent exploration of books.
    Ask questions about books, and encourage interaction during reading.
  • Allow children opportunities to tell a story.
  • Sing songs/rhymes daily.
  • Encourage pretend play and participation with other children.
  • Allow opportunities to experiment with writing materials and valuing scribbles.
  • Encourage children to dictate a story or description of what they are creating

We incorporate play and discovery into learning to make it fun and exciting for every child. 

Supporting Beginning Math Skills for 2 Year Olds

At this age, children are beginning to understand math concepts, even though they might not realize it. Not only do we use math words, like “heavy and light,” “big and small,” or “more or less,” to start building a foundation of math concepts, we offer all kinds of activities and games to help children learn math skills, including providing opportunities to:

  • Count while touching a variety of objects. For example, “How many cars do we have in the block area?”
  • Explain if something is more or less, first or last. For example, “Is that more or less than the number of animals we have in the block area?”
  • Complete simple patterning activities with materials like lacing beads or pop beads.
  • Allow independent exploration of puzzles and sorting materials.

Sharing Science at Our Greenville Child Care Center

Much of a toddler’s day is about discovery – discovering language, words, boundaries, and even science! We fuel their curiosity and teach them about the world around them through exciting activities and even introduce the scientific inquiry. Our teachers do this by providing opportunities to: 

  • Greenville NC Preschool 2 year old classes
    Explore a variety of materials and tools in a sensory table, and ask questions that encourage children to predict what will happen if ____.
  • Use active exploration to solve a problem and discuss if the solution was successful.
  • Observe and describe weather and seasonal changes.
  • Introduce activities and conversations that help children name and describe body parts.
  • Provide daily contact with living things in our world, with extended science programs. Animals, insects, plant life, gardening, bird watching.

How Creative Arts Play a Role at Our 5-Star Preschool

Creative arts engage children’s minds, bodies, and senses which, in turn, invites children to listen , observe, discuss, move, and imagine. To encourage creative arts exploration, our teachers:

  • Offer a variety of recorded music to listen and move freely to.
  • Allow opportunities to explore a variety of musical instruments independently.
  • Allow ongoing exploration of a wide variety of age-appropriate art materials and tools including crayons, markers, paint, glue, play dough, etc.
  • Offer opportunities to participate in pretend or imaginative play in the dramatic play area, as well as with puppets and other people or animal figures.
  • Small muscle development is important as well, to develop hand-eye coordination and to ensure their hand muscles are strong as they begin to write.

To boost physical growth and developing motor skills, our teachers:

  • Encourage children to use spoons or forks to feed themselves instead of fingers.
  • Offer opportunities to participate in physical play both indoors on climbers or tunnels, and outdoors on playground equipment.
  • Support children to dress or undress themselves, both when needed with their own clothes, as well as in the dramatic play center.
  • Introduce different writing materials like crayons or markers for children to practice making marks on paper.

We take pride in providing a learning environment that is fun and comforting while also offering personalized growth opportunities to every child.

Learn More About Our Classes For 2-Year Olds and Schedule a Tour

To learn more about the two-year-old classrooms and curriculum at our 5-star preschool in Greenville, NC, reach out to us! We can provide you with additional information, answer any questions, and schedule a tour. Give us a call at 252-756-8200 or fill out the form below to contact us today!

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