Five-Star Program for Pre-Kindergarten, Preschool, Toddler and Infant Education located in Greenville, NC.

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3 Year Old Preschool Program in Greenville, NC

5 star preschool in greenville for three year olds

The age of three is such an exciting time for children and their caregivers as they enter a stage of rapid development in motor skills, speech and language, and even critical thinking! To foster and promote learning, our 5-star preschool classrooms utilize The Creative Curriculum, a research-based early child care, and education curriculum. The main objectives of this curriculum are to encourage learning through child-focused activities that address cognitive knowledge like language and literacy, math, and science, while also promoting social, emotional, and physical development.

What to Expect from our 5-Star Preschool

Preschool classrooms also offer more structure to introduce children to the expectations of the formal school setting. While play is still the primary focus, we also include more opportunities for meaningful learning through Circle Time and more directed activities.

Our Preschool Classrooms 

Your child’s classroom will have an individualized lesson plan posted each week. Each activity included in the lesson plan is purposefully and intentionally planned based on our experienced teachers’ observations of each child in the preschool class so they are learning in a way that supports their development.

Promoting Language and Literacy for Three Year Olds

To support and promote language and literacy, teachers provide opportunities to:

  • Understand and follow multi-step directions.
  • Model appropriate questions and answering and teach children how to ask questions thoughtfully.
  • Read stories aloud to the group and encourage time in our library area.
  • Sing songs and play games that include rhyming and repetition to build vocabulary. 
  • Use descriptive words and promote conversations to work on improving communication skills.

Learning Math at Our 5-Star  Preschool 

3 year old classes greenville nc daycare

As three year olds are learning shapes, how to count, and identify patterns and sizes, we’re helping them build those emerging math skills by promoting opportunities to:

  • Sing songs and rhyming games that include numbers and counting.
  • Develop mathematical language, including sizes, locations, and shapes.
  • Play with toys that engage children to learn sizes, shapes, and identify numbers.
  • Learn how to use tools that teach children how to measure, like scales, rulers, and measuring cups.

Helping Three Year Olds Understand Science

This is a time of discovery and a time of natural curiosity about people, animals, and plants. To help them learn more about science, our teachers provide opportunities to: 

  • Explore objects, plants, and other items with magnifying glasses.
  • Learn about plants and how food grows by planting seeds.
  • Identify items in nature, like types of trees and leaves. 
  • Learn about animals, plants, and the earth by reading stories and providing learning resources. 

Fostering Safe Expression and Communication

Three year olds are entering the stage where they are learning how to express themselves, deal with emotions, and how to interact with peers and adults. We seek to support healthy social growth and emotional expression by providing opportunities to:

  • Learn how to make independent choices during the day.
  • Realize the importance of their role in the class through classroom jobs.
  • Learn how to describe and process their feelings and emotions.
  • Develop the language needed to properly express their emotions and feelings.
  • Playing games that promote self-control, like Simon Says or Red Light/GreenLight. 

Encouraging Physical Development in our 5-Star Preschool

Not only do we promote cognitive and emotional learning, we understand the importance of physical activity. Our 5-star preschool promotes healthy physical development by: 

  • Providing lots of outdoor playtime to run and climb in a safe, supervised space.
  • Providing toys and materials that encourage movement and motor skills, like bean bags, balls, and other items that can be used to play catch or bounce.
  • Using natural items in the environment as toys, like stacking rocks or collecting leaves, seeds, or shells.

We take pride in offering a well-rounded learning experience that is personalized to every child! 

Contact Our Greenville Child Care Center for a Tour

We would love to share more about our three year old classes and curriculum with you! To learn more about our 5-star preschool in Greenville, NC, and discuss enrollment, give us a call at 252-756-8200 or fill out the form below to contact us today to ask questions or schedule a tour. 

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